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Japan Japan

Directed by Lior Shamriz2007Israel/Germany65 mins

Japan Japan admirably crams more male nudity and cinema theory into its first sixty seconds than any film in Frameline history. But it is more than just porn and philosophy; Japan Japan is a very modern coming-ofage story with universal appeal. It is a film about growing up and moving on, and it takes place within that familiar moment between youth and adulthood when lots of nothing happens, and you spend too much time waiting for the phone to ring and change your world.

Imri, a young, handsome ex-soldier from the Israeli countryside, now lives in Tel Aviv with plans to move to Japan. In a lackadaisical purgatory, he hangs out with his roommate, does a poor job at work and looks for love and sex — often unsure of the difference. Like many guys in their early twenties, Imri is dealing with adult challenges while behaving in a juvenile manner, just waiting for that defining event that will make him a man.

With a playful, improvised style and constantly changing genres — much like its slacker hero — Japan Japan is at times a documentary, a music video, a porn film, a travelogue and even a trailer for itself. Yet the world of Japan Japan’s Tel Aviv is so familiar that it could be right here in San Francisco.

Preceded by:

Allen Ginsberg Gives Great Head

15 mins

An experimental film that, although it is short, comprises at least three genres. It's a poetic homage to the great American poet of Howl. And a political pamphlet against the repressive censorship of Singapore. And it's also an artistic piece of pornography. 

Quick links
Lior Shamriz
Israel, Germany
Running Time
65 mins
Hebrew, English, & Turkish
World Cinema
Program Note Writer
Corey Eubanks

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