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Throughout their lives, Yoav and Lior have looked in the mirror only to see a stranger staring back at them. Both born female, they have always known their true identities to be male. In this very personal and thought-provoking, real-life story, one couple struggles to become what they were meant to be in a world that doesn’t understand them.
Yoav, who has been living as a man for several years, is now fighting to be recognized as one by law. Lior has just begun the transition process and with each physical step feels more and more at peace: Having his long hair cut short, hearing his voice lowering and seeing the stubble growing on his face is like coming home. Yet explaining this to his mother borders on the impossible. She raised a daughter for 22 years and doesn’t know what to do with a son. Lior’s friends are more confused than unsupportive, but, as he tells them, “It is not a matter of happiness but a matter of life and death.” Together, Yoav and Lior face each obstacle with humor, love and their absolute certainty of who they truly are—inside and out.
Coming out as trans is sometimes the easy part. In The Perfect Man, family and friends accept Liam, but the medical profession has its doubts. We follow Liam as he begins testosterone and readies for surgery, only to have both taken away after he suffers a psychotic break.
We're excited to keep you in the loop on all things Frameline (with no spam - ever!)