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Curated from four Out in Africa Filmmaker Workshop collections, these South African shorts illuminate the lives and loves of LGBT men and women in that country.
It’s Me, It’s Me (Ndim Ndim) profiles Funeka Soldaat’s activism around abuse and the Sexual Offense Bill, touching on her marriage to her girlfriend — an event for which she did not seek permission from her community but simply informed them it was happening. Betwixt + Between explores the impact of the apartheid era’s Group Areas Act as told through the eyes of the flamboyant Granny Lee. Enraged by a Picture examines Zanele Muholi’s controversial street photography through the eyes of the artist herself, while Outlaw Culture deconstructs the media’s inflammatory and sensationalized portrayal of LGBT lives. In Wanted, Matthew discusses his role as a gay, white American father of an adopted Guatemalan son, distinguishing between his experiences in the United States and in Cape Town. Half a Lifetime and Night Star (Ikanyezi Yobusuku,) both narrative shorts from the most recent workshop, tell stories of attraction in the 1960s apartheid army and a Zulu woman’s isolation and reflection as she is guided through Ukuya Enyangeri (her monthly “going to the moon”).
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