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Worldly Affairs

Our gay, cinematic traipse around the globe finds some of the Festival’s sexiest and best shorts from international filmmakers.

In , from Brazil, we find two boys in a toilet snorting cocaine and talking about sex. In HerzHaft, serious consequences ensue when a 33-year-old German football coach falls in love with a 15-year-old member of his team. The beautiful and erotic Bramadero finds Hassen and Jonás on the outskirts of Mexico City. Away from it all, they’ve found a spot where they can seduce one another and merge into one; where sex becomes desire, desire becomes love, and only death will separate them.

In Bonne mère, Alfred leaves northern France for Marseille to look for his mother. And a Korean post office clerk mistakenly thinks that a customer is trying to get her attention by writing open love letters on the postcards he regularly sends in The Postcard. Lot’s Wife is a modern-day tale of Sodom and Gomorrah set in a small shantytown located on the outskirts of Istanbul. Two worlds collide in the bucolic Swiss countryside when shy Julian, son of a farmer, meets Zurich party guy Adi in Country Life. And our trek ends where we began, in Brazil, where, in between video games and glasses of milk, pain and disappointment, Danilo, Lucas and Marcos learn how to live together in the touching You, Me and Him.

Short films showing in this program:


22 mins

The beautiful and erotic Bramadero finds Hassen and Jonás on the outskirts of Mexico City. Away from it all, they've found a spot where they can seduce one another and merge into one; where sex becomes desire, desire becomes love, and only death will separate them.


15 mins

Serious consequences ensue when a 33-year-old German football coach falls in love with a 15-year-old member of his team.

5 mins

Two twentysomething boys in a public restroom. They sniff coke, talk about sex, get dirty. But the film takes on another tone as they reveal what it is that they really want.

You, Me and Him

18 mins

When the plans for the future change, new bonds are created between Danilo, Lucas and Marcos. in between video-games and milk cups, pain and disappointment, they need to learn how to live together.

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Running Time
103 mins

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