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Directed by David Lewis2009USA82 mins

Set amidst the romantic splendor of Russian River, Redwoods portrays the difficult choices one faces when confronted with an unshakable love.

Everett and Miles share a comfortable but uneventful domesticity, sleepwalking through the mundane motions of daily life. It is clear to anyone that the intensity of their relationship has diminished, and all that holds them together now is a shared love for their learning disabled son Billy. When Miles and Billy go on a trip together, Everett meets Chase, a writer passing through town. Chase and Everett’s chemistry is evident from the start and Everett suddenly finds himself re-awakened to love. Questions of loyalty, family and desire become entwined as Everett and Chase discover their shared bonds.

Director David Lewis deftly weaves romance and the very real concerns of the lead characters, using the beautiful setting of the Northern California redwoods to their fullest. Both Brendan Bradley (as Everett) and Matthew Montgomery (as Chase) display their full acting talents — Bradley as a stifled and awkward young man who eventually comes into his own, and Montgomery as a persistent but respectful suitor. The result is a rounded and tender account of the hard decisions that come with true love.

Also in this program, a son steals his mother's wig. The only problem is, she's supposed to be buried in it in three days.

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David Lewis
Running Time
82 mins
U.S. Features

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