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Hard Paint

Directed by Filipe Matzembacher & Marcio Reolon2018Brazil118 mins

For Sale signs dot the buildings surrounding Pedro’s apartment. “Everyone leaves this town,” he notes as his sister Luiza grabs her last bag and heads to the airport. Left alone in Porto Alegre, Pedro has only the belongings Luiza left behind, a fine from the landlord, and a looming court date that could land him in jail. His connection to the outside world comes mostly in the form of his computer where, under the alias NeonBoy, he performs webcam shows for money. His signature is the glow-in-the-dark paint he smears all over his exposed body as he dances sensuously to thumping music. When a mysterious copycat performer begins to corner his webcam market, Pedro arranges a meeting with his rival to set him straight. The warm and charming Leo is not what Pedro expects, and the two quickly connect and begin to do shows together. But opening up to Leo may have unexpected consequences.

In Hard Paint, recipient of the prestigious Teddy Award at this year’s Berlin International Film Festival, directors Filipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon have crafted a love letter to community, exploring the connections of young queers in an environment that is at times hostile and isolating. In the moody pixelation of the webcam, Pedro and Leo’s paint-smattered embrace becomes an act of seeing each other, rather than just being watched. Actor Shico Menegat’s nuanced performance makes Pedro instantly relatable, tapping into a common vulnerability shared by outsiders. Menegat and Bruno Fernandes (as Leo) have a natural chemistry that anchors the film.

Gritty Porto Alegre, Brazil, is also the hometown of both Matzembacher and Reolon, whose previous collaboration Seashore was a Frameline39 selection. With Hard Paint, they have shown they are a duo of remarkable vision.

Expected Guests

Filipe Matzembacher
Marcio Reolon

This film contains sexually explicit material.

Quick links
Original Language Title
Tinta Bruta
Filipe Matzembacher & Marcio Reolon
Running Time
118 mins
Bay Area
Showcase, World Cinema
Program Note Writer
Elliott Breeden
Community Partners

Cine+Mas SF

Consulate General of Brazil San Francisco

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