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Et chaque nuit

Directed by Julie Robert 2020France/UK 12 mins

Since childhood, Léa has been seeing ghostly deer looming around her. Now that she is in a relationship with Maud, the visions are getting worse. How can she prove to her girlfriend, and to herself, that this is a real problem to be dealt with? A Frameline Distribution title.

'Et chaque nuit' is screening in:

Animation Shorts

How does one navigate intergalactic polyamory with a broken heart? Can a mouse with man-hands learn to love after loss? With imagination and humor, this revelatory selection of LGBTQ+ shorts takes us on an animated journey through our fantasies, fears, and desires.

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Julie Robert
France, UK
Running Time
12 mins

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We're excited to keep you in the loop on all things Frameline (with no spam - ever!)