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Boy I Am

Directed by Sam Feder & Julie Hollar2006USA72 mins

Sam Feder’s first feature Boy I Am, co-directed with Julie Hollar, explores issues rarely touched upon in films portraying trans male subjects. Tackling the extreme feminist view of transitioning as an anti-feminist act that taps into male privilege, this groundbreaking film opens up a dialogue between the lesbian, feminist, and transgender communities while also promoting a better understanding of transgender issues for general audiences. Boy I Am positioned Feder (Disclosure) as a vital voice nearly two decades ago. Newly remastered in honor of its 15th anniversary in 2021, this gem from the Frameline Distribution catalogue will stream for free during the Frameline Encore.

Feder’s sophomore feature documentary Kate Bornstein Is a Queer & Pleasant Danger (2014) is also a part of the Frameline Distribution title. Visit this link for more information.

This Frameline Distribution title will stream for free during the Frameline Encore (June 24-30).

Quick links
Sam Feder & Julie Hollar
Running Time
72 mins
Streaming, Documentary Features, Free, Captioned Films (Streaming)

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