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The Callers

Directed by Lindsey Dryden2024UK/USA20 mins

The Callers combines anonymous documentary testimony with imagined creative scenes to tell the story of those who have called the oldest queer support line in the UK. Since 1974, listening volunteers at LGBT Switchboard have been taking anonymous calls and messages from queer people across Britain, on everything from where to find the nearest leather club to how to come out, start a family or mend a broken heart.

By "taking the story" with their callers, volunteers accompany them on a part of their journey and help them imagine the future they long for. The film is a love letter to queer memory and possibility, LGBTQ+ community and care, and the power of collective imagination to create the lives we dream of.

'The Callers' is screening in:

Rise Up: Doc Shorts

In a time when queer folks and women’s bodies are under attack by politicians, these shorts defy the persecution. Check out new films from queer artists Kimberly Reed, Chella Man, Hao Zhou, and Alex Hedison.

Expected Guests

Lindsey Dryden
Quick links
Lindsey Dryden
Running Time
20 mins
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