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Directed by Gregory Brecher2024USA17 mins

It's been thirty years since Joan (Mad Men's Talia Balsam) & Susie (Only Murders in the Building's Linda Emond) stood before their closest friends to celebrate at a small wedding, decades before their union would become legally recognized. Now, in front of children and chosen family, they cross a different threshold. Also starring Charlie Barnett (Russian Doll) and Grace Rex (Women Who Kill, Frameline40).

'Threshold' is screening in:

Helen and the Bear

The phrase “opposites attract” has rarely rung so true as in Helen and the Bear, a cinéma vérité portrait of a vibrant, queer woman and her most unusual marriage. This clear-eyed, affectionate documentary finds the couple at a critical junction in their 40-year union.

Wild Combination Streaming Shorts

This streaming-only package of exceptional short films groups 6 films screening before features into a bingeable program to enjoy at home. This wild combination of titles includes several world and US premieres, crossing multiple genres and themes.

Expected Guests

Elizabeth Morton
Actor, Screenwriter
Katherine Brown
Quick links
Gregory Brecher
Running Time
17 mins
Copyright 2022 Frameline. All rights reservedSite by ED.

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